The pandemic has brought fresh focus onto the primacy of our mental health. As we quarantine at home, the decreased noise and distraction have allowed us to sit with our thoughts and feelings. Seeing these conversations about emotional wellness sprout around us, I was inspired to create Brain Lab with my teaching partner, Broadway actor Kalyn West as a place for creatives and folks outside of the performing arts to learn scientifically-based ways of coping with and enhancing life. We invite you to join us in our new venture – “Brain Lab”: A space to explore, prioritize, and practice better mental health for a better life.
Our interactive classes are being held on Thursdays 4:00-5:00 pm EST. Participants can Venmo the $15 class fee to @Alisa-Hurwitz. (We do not want cost to be prohibitive; if you need monetary accommodations, please contact myself @thedrdrama or Kalyn @misskurlykay on Instagram.)

Kalyn: “To me, mental health means the practice of compassion. It is a direct pathway to self esteem, self respect, and personal integrity. The more I’ve learned to care for and prioritize my mental health, the more I notice its effects in all aspects of my life – career, relationships, family, etc. Everything in our external lives stems from our internal lives, so learning to understand, nurture, and move in harmony with our inner selves is the most powerful thing we can do to affect the changes we want to see. It’s, in my opinion, the greatest gift you can give yourself.”
Alisa: “Mental health means the entire range of the continuum, not only illness. If we only attend to the pain, we deny ourselves the opportunity for growth and joy. That self-work includes kind accountability, understanding what fills us up and what taxes us, identifying values and getting well-acquainted with our boundaries. I have discovered that by filling up my tank, I am better able to give it away.
(*Please note that this is NOT therapy. We are providing a space to talk, reflect and learn portable skills for general mental wellness. Contact us if you would like guidance on how to find a therapist.)